POSTBOX24 is located in the gate clearance from the side of Grojecka street exactly between buildings 76 and 78.
Point is entered directly from the street using a dedicated code. The point is open 24 hours a day.
The place is easily accessible for disabled people in wheelchairs.
Parking in the vicinity of the building is free – you do not have to pay extra for parking, regardless of the time, you can always find a free parking space – on the side of Grójecka Street or in the courtyard.
Post Office no 79
The office is located at 22 Bialobrzeska Street – less than 400 meters from POSTBOX24.
Days and hours of operation:
Working days: 08:00-21:00
Saturdays: 08:00-14:00
Third Tax Office Warsaw-Śródmieście
14 Lindleya St
02-013 Warsaw
tel: 22 584 51 00 head office, 22 58 45 306 secretariat
fax: 22 625-50-00
Social Insurance Institution
Inspectorate Warsaw – Ochota
(subordinate to: ZUS I Oddział w Warszawie)
E. Orzeszkowej 14 Street
02-374 Warszawa
tel: 22 560 16 00
National Court Register – XII KRS Division
100 Czerniakowska St.
00-454 Warsaw
tel.: 22 440 06 91
Ochota District Office
17a Grójecka St.
02-023 Warszawa
phone: 22 578 35 00
fax: 22 659 80 08
License plates
When registering a vehicle in Ochota, the initial letters of the license plate begin with the letters “WU”.